Saturday, December 1, 2007

Turkey Weekend

Because my family atypically celebrates Thanksgiving the weekend after, we get two Turkey Days (and a lot of running around) every year. Here's a partial synopsis of the weekend from Zach's point of view.

Thanksgiving Day - Wake up. Eat breakfast. Get dressed up. Take off his nice clothes to eat first his Turkey dinner. Be his usual charming self for Mom's family.

Black Friday - Hang out with Dad and Grandpa while Mom and Grandma go shopping. Bust lip on coffee table. Have a ball playing out on the deck after Dad takes him out there to distract/calm him down from the busted lip. Drive home (no pictures, but Zach faces forward now).

Saturday After Thanksgiving - Run around Grandma and Grandpa's house. Climb up the steps over and over again. Eat Turkey again. Share with the dog. Eat half a piece of pumpkin pie. Call it a weekend.

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