Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Birthday to Zach

This is almost two weeks overdue, but last weekend was Thanksgiving (post coming soon) and the end of the month is always hectic for us. Plus, Melissa and I are in disbelief that our son is a year old.

On to the party, we rented out our community club house for Zach's first birthday party. Zach had a good time. The kids a ham and clearly enjoys the spotlight. He also really enjoyed being around other small kids, even if he couldn't quite run around with them.

A friend of ours made the cakes. Party guests got a piece of Cookie Monster or Big Bird (pictured above), while Zach got to tear into his own little Elmo cake. It took him a bit to figure out what to do. As you can see, he quickly got the hang of it.

After receiving a small mountain of gifts, for which we are still trying to find room, what did Zach enjoy playing with most? Party balloons. Just something to keep in mind, you know, with Christmas coming and all.

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