Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Running Around

When Melissa and I aren't busy with our respective jobs, we've been running around trying to get all our holiday plans nailed down. Meanwhile, Zach just runs around the house when he isn't sleeping. It's entertaining, but also exhausting and time consuming.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Couch Forts

Zach's new thing is to play in our couch cushions. He likes it when you make them into a fort and then to play peek-a-boo from behind the cushions.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Turkey Weekend

Because my family atypically celebrates Thanksgiving the weekend after, we get two Turkey Days (and a lot of running around) every year. Here's a partial synopsis of the weekend from Zach's point of view.

Thanksgiving Day - Wake up. Eat breakfast. Get dressed up. Take off his nice clothes to eat first his Turkey dinner. Be his usual charming self for Mom's family.

Black Friday - Hang out with Dad and Grandpa while Mom and Grandma go shopping. Bust lip on coffee table. Have a ball playing out on the deck after Dad takes him out there to distract/calm him down from the busted lip. Drive home (no pictures, but Zach faces forward now).

Saturday After Thanksgiving - Run around Grandma and Grandpa's house. Climb up the steps over and over again. Eat Turkey again. Share with the dog. Eat half a piece of pumpkin pie. Call it a weekend.