Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Valley Forge

Zach was laid up with Adenovirus for a week in September during that stretch of really nice weather. I was home with him for the day. His fever broke in the afternoon, so we decided to make a little trip to Valley Forge.

Conveniently for us, it's only a few miles away. Because Valley Forge is a national park, it would literally take an act of congress to allow hunting on the land. As a result, it's over populated with deer to the point where you are pretty much guaranteed to see some if you just drive through the park.

Like every other furry animal, Zach loved the deer. He smiled and pointed and jumped around in the stroller despite being under the weather. As you can see, we got surprisingly close to a doe and fawn. There were also 7 or 8 grazing under a patch of trees just off the path.

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