Thursday, July 12, 2007

Progress Report

It's been a while since I've had time to work on The Zach Blog, so I thought I'd catch everyone up.

Zach is sitting up independently now. You have to watch he doesn't whack his head reaching for something, but he's more or less fine sitting on his own.

Despite my claims of "any day now" over a month ago, Zach is still not crawling. In fact, we've seen little progress on the crawling front since Memorial Day. This is not to say Zach isn't more mobile than he was a month ago. He figured out how to rolls around at will and does so all the time. Since the rolling discovery, crawling has been on the back burner.

During the past week, Zach has finally had some teeth start coming in. It's his bottom two teeth and the tips are currently just through the gums. Melissa and I were excited about it until he started waking up at 3am. How quickly we got spoiled sleeping through the night.

The summer is flying by so far. Basically, when we haven't been running around to various summer get-togethers, one of the three of us has been sick. We figure Zach is bringing bugs home from day care, but can't prove it. The three of us have all been nursing sinus infections, Zach had pink eye last week, and we think he brought home Rotavirus for Father's Day (fortunately Zach was immunized, unfortunately we were not).

In other news, Zach's Uncle A.J. is now a high school graduate. If you'd like to congratulate him, he can be found doing his best David Hasselhoff impersonation on a Cape May beach for the summer. This fall, he's headed up to Northeastern University in Beantown.

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