Monday, March 5, 2007

Sleep Deprivation

A rough weekend in Collegeville. A couple weeks ago, Zach started getting up too early, around 5am. In response, we started putting him to bed a little later hoping he would then wake up later too. With moderate success, we thought all was well.

Zach also has increasingly struggled to nap for longer than 30-45 minutes during the day. To get by, we've relied on his swing as well as a few other tricks to get him to keep napping. Over the past few weeks, this habit began spreading to the overnight hours.

The situation came to a head when Zach hardly slept Saturday night and was then so sleep deprived Sunday that none of our usual tricks worked. He could barely be put down without fussing. He was clearly exhausted but would not go to sleep.

After a little homework, we found that the number one cause of short naps is sleep deprivation. Number one cause of sleep deprivation is a late bed time. Turns out babies are counterintuitive when it comes to bed time and wake ups.

Hopefully, an earlier bedtime will right the ship. Cross your fingers for us.

p.s. I have pictures I need to post. I just haven't had the time for reasons noted above.

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