Zach had a runny nose that started around when he started day care. Shortly after receiving his second set of immunizations Thursday, he popped a fever. By Saturday morning, the fever was still going and and his congestion was sounding worse. This lead us to our first ER visit of the weekend.
They did a chest X-ray to check for pneumonia and also collected mucous to check for RSV and influenza. All of which (thankfully) came back negative. Based on his temperament, we were sent home with instructions to pump fluids and keep a close eye on him.
Saturday was a rough day. The Tylenol, which kept the fever in check, would wear off an hour before Zach could have another dose. After enduring 24 hours of this and seeing little progress, we took our second trip to the ER early Sunday morning.
This time Zach was diagnosed with croup/upper respiratory infection. He got a nebulizer treatment and a prescription and we were sent home. During the day Sunday, the fever broke. By Sunday night, the worst appeared to be over.

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