Zach's grandfather is now a perfect three for three with grandsons liking his tractor. Zach sat down and immediately reached for the steering wheel. Even the engine firing up and running didn't phase the little fella.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Zach continues to get closer and closer to crawling. His upper body is clearly getting stronger. He just hasn't figured out the whole coordination thing. When he manages to get his legs under him, he moves backwards.
For the moment anyway...
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Self Portaits
Zach and I took a couple self portraits the other night.
In the second picture. Yes, that is drool all over his shirt. And No, I am not holding him up.
Big Month
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Kitty Is Doomed
An update of sorts on Izzy and Zach.
When Izzy enters the same room Zach immediately starts intently watching him. If the cat comes within 3 feet of him, Zach starts smiling, laughing, and reaching.

For his part, Izzy tries to strategically position himself somewhere he can watch Zach but where the baby won't notice, or even better, can't see him. Izzy still doesn't quite know what to think of Zach.
This won't last. As soon as Zach can move, Zach's going to be after Izzy every time he sees him.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Mother's Day Swinging
After both sets of grandparents left, we went to the local park to take advantage of the nice weather and enjoy a little peace & quiet on Mother's Day. We found a swing set and, well, the results speak for themselves...

We're already planning to press our luck and try a picnic next weekend, so we should have more park pics next week.
Hanging With Grandma & Grandpa
Sitting Up
Monday, May 14, 2007
Bottle Tricks
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Eat Your Veggies
Friday, May 11, 2007
Happy Mothers Day
Zach is all about reaching out these days. Depending on who you talk to he can either be
a) giving a hug (Mom)
b) reaching for a handful of hair (Dad).
Since it's Mother's Day, we'll take Mom's side. Without further ado, here's Zach giving his grandmother a big hug.
Happy Mother's Day
p.s. Sorry Daphne, the picture is too good.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Eatin' Solids
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
The Future's So Bright
A month behind
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Overlooked Transition
Anyone wishing to see Zach as an infant should hurry. I'd say you have maybe a month. He's looking more and more like a toddler each day.
I'm several posts behind again. I've just been too busy. We were out-of-town celebrating Melissa's 30th birthday, had new carpet installed, painted a room, and had our ducts cleaned. On top of all that, Zach has another ear infection and I'm swamped at work. I'll get to them I promise.